wall mounted recessed fireplace

4 Types of Ethanol Fireplaces for Your Modern Living Space

If you have a modern home then you probably already know that bio ethanol fireplaces will complement it exquisitely. Gas fireplaces are essentially pieces of art on their own that just happen to provide a lot of great benefits such as an environmentally friendly bio ethanol fuel that releases just a small amount of carbon dioxide. Although they have been around for a while, more and more people are being introduced to a modern ethanol fireplace every day.

If this sounds like you and you have not begun to shop for one yet you are probably wondering what type of selection you can expect to find.

Different Ethanol Fireplaces For Your Home

Well, be prepared to be delighted; most have no idea such an extensive selection is available until they start browsing our site.

portable tabletop bio ethanol fireplace

Freestanding Ethanol Fireplace

As the name implies, freestanding ethanol fireplaces can be placed anywhere on the ground, as long as they are not in a walking path. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and finishes, so there is one to complement any modern space.

Some offer a bold styling with the use of black, red, or white ceramic while others are almost entirely made of glass. The flame looks brilliant behind the glass due to its reflective nature just like what you would see in traditional fireplaces. There are even freestanding ethanol fireplaces large enough to use as a room divider.

Tabletop Ethanol Burner

If you are looking for the highest level of creative flexibility, you want to check out the tabletop fireplaces. These pieces can essentially be placed on any flat surface, and they are light and compact enough to move around. A tabletop ethanol burner is also a great complement to a larger one.

Put one on your dining room table as a centerpiece and another on your end table to replace that giant candle ready to drip wax everywhere. Put a tabletop bio flame fireplace on your dresser to relax you while you watch TV before bed and another in your bathroom to create your own personal spa.

recessed large ethanol fireplace

Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace

Nothing can compare to the commanding presence of a wall-mounted ethanol fireplace. Since these pieces are mounted on the wall at eye level they are naturally the first thing you focus on when you enter a room.

This is extremely beneficial. Fire has inviting, calming, and relaxing properties, so this really should be the first thing you and your guests see when you walk into a room. Plus, if you have children or pets, you do not have to worry about them getting too close to the fire.

Recessed Wall Fireplace

These are just like wall varieties, but instead of being mounted on the wall, they are installed into the wall to provide an incomparable level of sophistication. Some even offer fireplaces that don’t require gas lines anymore.
