wall mounted bioethanol fireplace

US Ethanol Fireplace Safety Regulations – What You Need to Know

Ethanol fireplaces are quickly becoming the #1 alternative to traditional fireplaces. These clean burning fire features give you the ability to enjoy real flames and supplemental heat almost anywhere. Ethanol fireplaces are also more efficient than natural gas burning alternatives and they require much less installation.

Ethanol fireplaces don’t produce harmful smoke or toxins when in use, making them ideal for almost any area. Traditional fireplaces can ruin your home and leave your furniture smelling like burning wood. Water vapor is the main by-product produced from burning ethanol, so you can enjoy your bio-ethanol fireplace without worrying about damaging your clothes, drapes, or furniture.

Ethanol Fireplaces do not have any regulations as of yet but it is important that you take into consideration some safety practices to prevent injury or damage to your personal property.

Remember, Ethanol fireplaces, like Bio Blaze Valetta Tabletop Ethanol Fireplace produce a real flame that can light other items on fire if not properly monitored and installed away from fire hazards.

The US Fire Administration has posted some helpful tips to keep you safe while enjoying your new fire feature. While most of these tips are the same for traditional wood-burning fireplaces, you should be fully aware of each of these safety regulations and implement them into your own home.

steel wall mount ethanol fireplace

Ethanol Fireplace Safety Regulations

  • You should always store your ethanol in the container sealed and in a safe location that is away from kids.
  • Ethanol burns clean, therefore it can be difficult to see if the flame is still lit. Be sure to double check before you attempt to move or refuel your fireplace.
  • Only use approved fuel in your fireplace. Using un-authorized types of ethanol can result in personal injury as well as fire damage to your personal property.
  • Always clean up spilled ethanol immediately. You don’t want to have flammable liquid spilled on your possessions.
  • Use a long match or lighter to get your fireplace lit. This is important as in some scenarios your fireplace can light on fire in a flash that can burn your hands.
  • Never move a lit ethanol fireplace. This is such an important tip to follow as any spilled ethanol could ignite a much larger fire that could put your home and self at risk.
  • Never refuel your fireplace while it is still lit.
  • Never leave your fireplace lit and unattended.

tabletop ethanol fireplace

US Ethanol Fireplace Regulations – What You Need to Know

Considering how new ethanol fireplaces are to the marketplace, it’s not a huge surprise that there are no regulations as of yet. As these innovative fire features continue to gain popularity amongst homeowners, it may not be too long before there are some additional regulations put in place.

Be sure to follow the safety tips in this guide and you will enjoy your ethanol fireplace for years to come.

Your friends and family will be thrilled at your new fire feature and the cozy atmosphere it provides for everyone.
