So, how are you supposed to enjoy a fire in one without worrying about deforestation and damage being done in the environment?
Well, believe it or not, this is easily accomplished by using one of an ethanol fireplace insert. You can even convert your existing gas fireplace or wood fireplace into an eco-friendly burner.
What is an Ethanol Fireplace Insert?
The fireplace has likely long been the centerpiece in your home. You probably have a ton of memories you have enjoyed there, from warming up after sledding or ice-skating on the pond to opening presents in front of it Christmas morning.
So, simply letting it go to waste is a little saddening. Fortunately, thanks to ethanol burners and ethanol fireplace inserts you don’t have to!
These products allow you to transform your existing fireplace into one that can be enjoyed with a clear and safe fuel source, known as bio-ethanol. You simply place the clean burning fuel inside, and as the fuel burns, you get to enjoy a fire in an instant.

You will never have to scoop soot and ash or have your chimney swept again because this fire is clean and maintenance-free.
Unlike an electric fireplace, an ethanol burner run on renewable fuel source. You won’t need electricity, and you won’t need gas lines as well.
You get the feel of an old fireplace or a traditional fireplace with real flame and real fire. All the fuel is housed with the burner’s reservoir, so you won’t need cables or wires to run your bio ethanol fireplace.
You are also assured of a great air quality. Like traditional fireplaces, you can install your new fireplace that run on bio ethanol fuel in your family room. Ethanol inserts will give any room the warmth and ambiance of a wood burning fire.
What is a Bio Ethanol Fireplace?

Bio ethanol is a fuel source that has been popular with environmentalists for quite some time. Do not feel like you are “behind the times” though, if you are just learning about it. It has only recently become super popular in consumer-based products. Bio ethanol fireplaces were extremely expensive and limited in design many years ago, but thanks to such a high demand, there is now a huge selection to choose from, and one to fit in any budget.
Ethanol is produced from agricultural feedstock, making it a quasi-renewable energy source. This feedstock use photosynthesis for growth and mature rapidly. Examples include sugar cane, barley, hemp, potato, hemp, sunflower, sugar beet, corn, wheat, and molasses. The cellulose part of the plant gets broken down to sugar and converted to ethanol.
Getting Started with Ethanol Fireplaces
There is no lengthy installation process to transform your fireplace. All you have to do is pick one of the ethanol grates or inserts we have here at Ethanol Fireplace Pros, and place your order. In the meantime, you can clean your fireplace out one last time and get rid of that wood pile. When your grate or burner arrives you place it inside, pour in the fuel, ignite, and enjoy your clean and odor-free fire.