ethanol fireplaces

How to Incorporate Ethanol Fireplaces at Home

“Home is Where the Heart Is,” as the saying goes. It could easily be “Home is Where the Hearth is.” The welcoming glow of clean-burning ethanol fireplaces can dramatically change a living space. As the times challenge us to rethink everything about how we work, school, live, commute, and shop, Home is in the spotlight.  Homeowners, condo owners, renters, and sharers are all spending more time at home.

Making a living space a home includes adding essential elements that were ignored when less time was spent indoors. Today backyard fire pits, as well as the outdoor fireplace, have taken on new meaning for nightly entertainment.  Inside the home, it is now easier than ever to add ethanol fireplaces without chimneys in almost any room of the house. Portable ethanol fireplaces for apartments, rentals as well as condos where HOA’s forbid outside additions are a quick easy DIY installation.

Adding a Hearth to any home or office, public or private space is very accessible and affordable. Ethanol fireplaces are now available in so many shapes, sizes, colors, and for specialized uses that there is one for the home office desk as well as large chandeliers for banquet rooms and restaurants.

large ventless fireplace

Keep That Fire Burning

Fire is a primal essential element. Since the days of recorded history with drawings on the cave walls, fireplaces have been a significant part of human gatherings. Moving into the future includes tapping into the past with new technologies that allow a fireplace to be incorporated in homes, offices, on boats, at campgrounds, in restaurants, cafes, banquet halls, and outdoor venues.

Using clean-burning fuel such as bio ethanol fuel, conveniently packaged in pint, quarts, half a gallon, and gallon bottles, affordable bio ethanol fireplaces for apartments are quick and easy to set up. Complete and ready to use straight out of the box or carton, these fireplaces without chimneys are ideal for adding a hearth to apartments and lofts.  No construction, holes in the walls, gas lines, or ventilation systems, these freestanding ethanol fireplaces without chimneys now provide apartment dwellers with the primal element of fire.

An modern ethanol fireplace insert for apartments, homes, offices, retail spaces, restaurants, cafes, and outdoor venues are easy to use, unpack, fill, and light. Complete with everything needed these fireplaces without chimneys can be set up almost everywhere. Bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, office, den, basement, attic, anywhere with a sturdy, flat, fireproof surface can now have the glowing flames of primeval fire.

These environmentally-friendly home heaters without chimneys are available in completely ready-to-use units or as wall mounted ethanol fireplace to finish a work of art or turn old, recessed wall spaces into an instant fireplace without chimneys.

How to Choose Ethanol Fireplaces

With so many choices in new ethanol-fueled home fire solutions including an outdoor fireplace, fireplaces for apartments, fireplaces without chimneys, choosing one is the hardest part.

Safety FIRST

The first consideration when choosing where to place a bio ethanol fireplace is safety. Because these fireplaces without chimneys that burn clean ethanol can be placed almost anywhere, selecting a spot MUST include a Safety assessment. There are many spaces in the home that is perfect for a bio ethanol fireplace.

The bedroom is a room where the ambiance of a warm glowing fire will be appreciated. It is also a room with hanging curtains, bedspreads, sheets, pillows, rugs, and other flammable objects. Because a bio ethanol fireplace is without chimneys, one can be placed on a hard, flat non-flammable surface such as a marble-topped vanity or hardwood floor.

No matter where you place these ethanol fireplaces for apartments be sure that they are a good distance away from hanging curtains, clothes, sheets, and bedspreads. Take child safety measures into consideration if children reside in the house or apartment.  Keep the ethanol burner out of the reach of children. Fireplaces for apartments are great to provide warmth, change the mood, add ambient light and a hearth to feel at home.

Unlike wood-burning stoves or traditional fireplaces, an affordable freestanding ethanol fireplace insert without chimneys is clean-burning, which makes it usable throughout homes, apartments, condos, cabins, offices, restaurants, cafes, and even on boats. Many with multiple controls for flame heights also include new safety feature technologies. Even when the best safety technologies are included, when using fire, it requires safety first.

portable bioethanol fireplace

Selecting a Space

In line with safety is selecting the space for ethanol fireplaces without a chimney. Even an outdoor ethanol fireplace needs careful consideration when selecting where to put these clean-burning warming ethanol units. Large home backyards should offer many excellent choices for the outdoor ethanol fireplace.

For balconies, terraces, side yards, and shared outdoor spaces, outdoor fireplaces powered by bio ethanol fireplace fuel offer a varied selection of sizes and shapes for a variety of situations. One-sided outdoor fireplaces for placements against walls or in corners along with open-hearth four-sided centerpiece designs are two of the many outdoor fireplace options.

Style of Clean Burning Ethanol Fireplaces

Along with the many shapes and sizes of apartment fireplaces and outdoor fireplaces, these ethanol-fueled fireplaces without chimneys offer an amazing array of styles to blend, compliment, or contrast many decors. From sleek modern to rustic, these home heating systems without chimneys offer everyone a hearth for their home, apartment, office, or public space.

There are hundreds of styles available in these clean-burning house heaters, along with the hundreds of sizes of self-contained inset burners. These inset burners can be used alone or as part of an elaborate creation.  From tiny footprints for tabletop applications to large window box burners, complete ethanol burners with built-in control and safety fuel reservoirs are ready to place in any sculpture or recessed space inside or outside.


It is easy to choose the right ethanol fireplace unit for inside or outside a home, apartment, condo, office, business, or boat by price. There is a bio ethanol fireplace for nearly every budget. Beginning at less than $100 USD up to thousands of dollars the latest offerings in clean ethanol fireplaces without chimneys has everyone covered, with the exception of the cave people. They would, however, be amazed at the simplicity of fire in an ethanol-burning hearth.
